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What Is Java? 

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What Is Java


Java is a flexible programming language designed to work on any device. Java is known for its “write once, run anywhere” capability, making it a popular choice for creating cross-platform applications. Java is used for developing Android apps, web applications, and large-scale enterprise systems. Its applications range from mobile apps, web servers, and application servers to games and enterprise software.

Java is one of the most popular and widely used programming languages and platforms because it is fast, reliable, versatile, secure, and easy to learn. Java development kit allows software developers to write the code for applications in English(instead of numeric codes) making it easier to read and write by humans. Later the English instructions are translated into numerical codes automatically which computers can understand, and execute. 

Java was developed by James Gosling, who is also known as the father of Java, in 1995 as part of the Green Team at Sun Microsystems. 

In 1991 this project was initiated to develop a language for digital devices such as; set-top boxes and televisions etc. However, it was too advanced a technology for the digital cable television industry at the time and was best suited for Internet programming.

Initially, James Gosling named it “Greentalk” which was later changed to “Oak”(because this tree is a symbol of strength in many countries like the US, France, Romania, Germany, etc.) and finally, it was renamed to “Java” as Oak was already trademarked by Oak Technologies.

Java is an island in Indonesia where the first coffee was produced(a kind of espresso bean) hence called Java coffee. Java’s name was chosen by James Gosling while having a cup of coffee near his office. 

Now let me take you through a very interesting story of how Java got its name and why there’s coffee in its logo

Uses and Advantages of Java programming language

Java has been around for over 26 years it is used by many companies in tech, finance, healthcare, manufacturing, educational desktop applications, government, defense, and more. Now developers run Java for web applications and at the world’s top websites like Facebook, Google, eBay, and Amazon, applications for web browsers as well. Java technology is also used for;

Java Programming Language Used For:

  • For a wide range of mobile application development
  • Scientific computing application application server
  • Creating enterprise software
  • Developing android apps
  • Stock market algorithms
  • Game development
  • Big data analytics
  • Machine learning Linux

Also, Java powers Android, which is the most widely used operating system on earth, plus, it’s the brains behind Gmail and even the Curiosity Rover on Mars. Java Runtime Environment, also known as JRE, is a layer of software running over the operating system where the libraries and any other needs for a Java program to function are provided. One of the essential elements, which together with the other two are interdependent in supporting the development and creation of Java apps, is the Java Runtime Environment.

On top of that, there are other advantages of the Java platform such as:

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Java Tutorial for Beginners from Apple Software Engineer.

Java Tutorials Are Easy to Learn

Java teaches novice coders how to think like a programmer making it relatively easy to learn other programming languages such as C, C++, Python, and more. Because of its simple compiler, it is used for Internet of Things, in big data technologies, scientific applications.


It means Java allows users to write programs that perform many functions simultaneously. and because users can execute multiple threads simultaneously, it saves memory and time resulting in maximum utilization of the CPU.


Whenever you download a program or app there’s a risk because the code you are downloading might contain a virus and that malicious code can cause damage as it has gained unauthorized access to system resources.

So, in simple words, Java application achieves its protection by confining a Java program to the Java execution environment thus making it inaccessible to other parts of the system.

Developer Friendly and Intuitive

Suppose you think of programming languages as a bag of Lego bricks, then for example C++ would have 250 different types of bricks, and Java would “only” have 100 different types of bricks. which is why it is considered a developer-friendly and popular programming language.

And in that sense, Java code is simpler because it uses a simpler syntax. However, you can build equally complicated structures from those 100 types of bricks with no limit on how complicated the resulting program can be.

Learn Java Programming For A Secure Career

From 2017 to 2020, Java was held as the #1 language for job demand in both the US and Europe. One of the most important things about Java is that it can coexist with other languages. Plus, the WORA(Write Once and Run Anywhere) feature makes it an ideal programming language. 

With 20+ years of proven track record and an ever-expanding breadth and depth of its use, Java will undoubtedly remain in demand for the generations to come because it is a go-to language and is presently used by; 

  • 9 million existing developers worldwide 
  • 97% of enterprise computers
  • 89% of Computers in US
  • 3 billion mobile phones
  • 125 million TV devices

Alright, enough of the technical jargon now it’s popcorn time

It is such an intrinsic part of our daily lives, that a video spoof(called: Javapocalypse) was filmed to show what the world would be without Java if it was suddenly removed from our lives one day.

Java Is a Versatile and Flexible language

Java is a language designed to work on any operating system Windows, Mac, or even Android. So, during the pandemic, this flexibility helped people who were forced to work from home, by using their own devices: a combination of laptops, tablets, and mobile phones in place of their company’s systems and equipment

Moreover, codes written in Java can seamlessly move from one device to another which means that once a developer writes code, they can port it to another system on almost any computing device.

Navigating the Depths: The Java Compiler For Java Virtual Machine

The Java Compiler performs as the silent architect behind the scenes interpreting the human-readable code into an understandable language for the machine. It works like a careful navigator that marks out the way for smooth operation, preventing errors from halting the voyage. The unsung hero guarantees the music of syntax making sure that vague ideas become the symphony of binary orders. Delve into its details and you will realize the subtlety of code translation-a critical part of the Java world. Java Compiler is your silent expert guide in the programming oceans.

Java API : Elevating Development Dynamics

The Java API—the robust toolkit that helps developers reach their efficiency and functional peaks. Incorporate the “Java API” terminology into your programming walk that reveals it as a handy guide of streamlining development activities. Consider Java API is your versatile ally from navigation of core functionalities to incorporating third party integrations. It has the strength of smoothing up coding tasks, providing compatibility, and demonstrating the depth of the Java domain. Use the Java API in your story, offering a valuable point of view on Java’s use in various programming situations and to improve your code.

Java / JavaScript is an In-Demand Language

Learning a versatile language like Java opens the doors to jobs in all fields of the booming tech economy. Java developers are paid on average $93,000 across the US, even the entry level jobs see salaries upwards $80,000, which is 54% higher than the national median income.

In addition to the huge demand for Java developers, there is also an increasing demand for Android developers, which use Java as the base language for native Android apps because mobile app downloads have been steadily increasing. In 2020 there were around 150 billion app downloads in total and it is set to rise to nearly 184 billion.

This itself is a good sign for Java developers because as the number of downloads increases, so does the number of apps.

Below is the analysis of how often language tutorials are searched on Google and according to PYPL(Popularity of Programming Language Index) the more a language tutorial is searched, the more popular that language is supposed to be.


Java is among the top 3 most popular languages in the software world today and you can find its applications in almost every field with a large support network and diverse set of libraries. It’s a future-proof and in-demand skill that’s needed in a variety of fields.

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Artur Aliev

Artur Aliev

Since 2013 i am building a vibrant online presence for e-commerce and retail brands across diverse industries. In 2021 I turned my passion towards the exciting world of programming and turned newfound knowledge into insightful articles that guide and inspire learners of all levels. While working with WEDEVX for almost a year i learned a lot about software testing, QA and coding bootcamps firsthand from instructors and top-earners in their field.


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